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Corfe Castle with stormy sky British Isles Built Environment Dorset A view of Corfe castle from within side the walls under a stormy cloud

Driving through Purbeck, one thing dominates the sky as you approach: Corfe Castle, or more, the castle ruins. We are inside the castle walls, following the path towards the remaining towers on a sunny day that started to grey over.

Four Seals on a rock South East of Ramsey Island
Gallery marine mammals Nature Ramsey Island Seal
Four seals perched on a rock
Sunbathing seals perched on a rock on a bed of seaweed in Ramsey Sound, just a few metres from the rapidly rising rock cliffs of the island.
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New look website
Project Virtual Environment Website Work Package
Man sat in armchair with tablet art in the background
The site has been designed as a Gallery or exhibition space to provide a smooth browsing path and allow you to locate the photographic images or topics you like. Sit back in the armchair with your table and enjoy the ride. Welcome to our new website, which incorporates photography, Wedding services, and Photo-Booth. We hope the new site allows you to view many more photographic images than before, and if you wish to purchase, there is a handy gallery to view and buy.
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Corfe Castle with stormy sky
British Isles Built Environment Dorset
A view of Corfe castle from within side the walls under a stormy cloud

Driving through Purbeck, one thing dominates the sky as you approach: Corfe Castle, or more, the castle ruins. We are inside the castle walls, following the path towards the remaining towers on a sunny day that started to grey over.

The building of Corfe Castle. Corfe Castles position, dominating a gap in the Purbeck Hills, means it was probably a fortified site long before the Norman conquest of 1066. But it was William the Conqueror who founded the castle we know today when he made Corfe a key element in a network of fortifications built to cement his power over the defeated English. National Trust.

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